Video Editing

Baldur’s Gate 3: Launch Party

Boards, Animatic + Final Edit


I was lucky enough to work on 3 animated videos promoting the release, PS5 launch and Xbox launch of Baldur’s Gate 3. We worked with Larian and they were kind enough to provide us with VO from the original voice actors in the game, which we animated.

My role was solely editor on this project, taking the VO, cutting and timing it over boards, assembling rough cuts and editing the final animation before it was sent for sound design and music.

As a fan of Baldur’s Gate 3, I was grateful for the opportunity to work on these, and seeing the fan response was tremendous fun.

FORTNITE: Looty Toons

Animatic + Final Edit


This is a compilation of Fortnite cartoons we made in the style of classic Looney Tunes cartoons.

I was responsible for timing out the original animatics for each of the 3 individual cartoons, as well as the final edit and sound design. I also designed the opening and closing credits, animating them in After Effects to mimic the real thing.

For me, what ties it all together is the stunning music composed by Alex Walker Smith, a Mashed mainstay, who wrote music that could play over Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd with no doubt that it belonged in Looney Tunes.


Motion Graphics


This project was complex, but in the end quite rewarding. The concept of a DOOM version of a Crypt of the Necrodancer/Cadence of Hyrule style rhythmn game was difficult to pull off, but I think we got pretty close.

My role was animator and compositor on this project. While 5 of us worked on animating the characters environments, I was responsible for compositing it all together, making sure the backgrounds lined up, ensuring character animations played at the right time, implementing the HUD and ensuring it all lined up to the music.

The result was a visually engrossing cartoon with a premise that was tantalisingly tangible, and one that remains one of my favourites.