Sound Design

Super Smash Bros: Blood Suckers:

Sound Design


Blood Suckers was a challenge to sound design, as we had to move from slapstick comedy to straight horror as we see Kirby swallow more and more dangerous items.

I started with sound design, leaning into the comedy more in the first half, then getting more gory and visceral towards the end. The music, composed by Holley Gray, supported this and was mixed slightly higher to help drive the story.


Sound Design, Music Edit, Mix


Super Mario Anime Kart is a mashup of Mario Kart and cult racing anime Redline. Already cartoonish characters are heightened and given over-the-top motives, playing up the ruthless nature of the race.

I sound designed and chose and edited music for this cartoon, starting with the music edit as that drives the rest of the sound design. Once music selection was complete, I worked systematically throughout the cartoon, ensuring all karts had their own engine sounds, that powerup sounds were grounded but also also referenced their videogame origins, and making sure all the dialogue and ADR was audible above everything else.

Zelda’s Bizarre Anime Adventure (Tears of the Kingdom)

Sound Design, Music Composed & Mix


This was a cartoon that I decided I wanted to compose music for, as music is a strong part of both The Legend of Zelda and Jojo’s Bizarre adventure, of which this cartoon is a mashup.

Sound design was relatively straight forward, although one challenge was replicating the sound of the powers from Tears of the Kingdom without directly ripping the sounds from the game. However the other challenge was referencing Zelda themes throughout the cartoon.

In the end, I managed to work in themes from several of the games. Each of the attacks references the melody from the game it comes from, and I managed to sneak in a melody that will have you asking “is that a Jojo reference?”