DOCTOR WHO - What If Daleks Were Stupid?
Script, Animation, Post-Production
I animated this video in Blender using fan-made assets on Sketchfab and Turbosquid. While the models and sets were mostly good to go, I did modify the external TARDIS model to make it slightly less artificially sharp, and I redid the shading to make the wood grain show up more in bright light.
For the animation, I keyframed the movement of the eyestak and plunger by hand, and used a 3rd party plugin called Sound Nodes to extract keyframes from the amplitude of the voiceover waveform to drive the brightness of the eyes bulb emission.
After rendering (which took nearly a full week!) I added vector motion blur, some very subtle film grain and colour-mixing. I used Cockos Reaper to get the ring modulator effect on the voiceover to achieve an authentic Dalek voice.
LEGO Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Animation, Post-Production
As a fan of both Lego and Star Trek, making this video seemed like a no-brainer. I found an AFOL Star Trek fan who had already built a replica of the Deep Space Nine station in stud.io, a free digital Lego building program, as that allowed me to convert them into a file format that Blender would recognise.
After that, it was a case of sourcing replicas for the rest of the ships featured. One ship was unidentified, so I replaced it with the USS Cerritos from Lower Decks, the first of the Lego Star Trek videos I had done.
Lego Pepe Silvia - It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Animation, Post-Production
This was an excercise in animating a scene featuring characters, rather than just objects moving past the camera. I broke down the original scene I wanted to recreate into shots, and identified the characters and props I would need.
It was then a case of going shot by shot and recreating the poses, facial expressions and lip sync of the characters using keyframe animation in Blender, and using stepped keyframe interpolation to recreate the stop-motion effect.